This git repository ensta-rob201 is the starting point for your work during the ROB201 project/course. The online, up-to-date version of this code is available at: GitHub repository ensta-rob201
To start working on your ROB201 project, you will have to install this repository (which will install required dependencies). The file contains installation tips for Ubuntu and Windows. The code will work also on MacOS, with minimal adaptation of the Ubuntu installation instructions.
ensta-rob201 use the Place-Bot simulator: Place-Bot GitHub repository. It will be installed automatically with the above procedure, but it is strongly recommended to read the Place-Bot documentation.
At the end of the course, you will have to submit your solution to your teacher in a zip file containing this complete repository.
If you have questions about the code, in particular the use of Place-Bot you can contact: emmanuel . battesti at ensta-paris . fr