David Buckman - dbuckman
Emmanuel Suarez - emsu
Kyle Rosenbluth - kyro
stack buildstack exec haxtal-exe stack test
git clone
Then, navigate into the reflex-platform folder and run the try-reflex command.
cd reflex-platform ./try-reflex
Then, cd back to this folder in the nix shell, and run ghcjs Web.hs
Then go into the Web.jsexe folder, and double click index.html
Create pictures from example LSystems, and present the user with a menu to display example fractals or choose parameters for a random fractal.
Definition of the LSystem data type. Includes show and arbitrary instance, and helper functions for defining rules to be used in user-generated LSystems. Also includes a definition of LSysComps, a string representation of an LSystem, along with its monoid instance and a function for converting LSysComps to LSystems.
Module that allows for conversion from an LSystem definition to a format that can be displayed. This format is a list of lines, where each line is a list of points.
Contains definitions of the example LSystems used in Main.hs.
Top level test suite file.
Contains tests for LSystem.hs.
Contains tests for Draw.hs.
- Stack- GHCJS (Web only)
- Reflex (Web only)
- Gloss (App only)
- QuickCheck
- HUnit
This was a final project for CIS 552 at the University of Pennsylvania: