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Docker image sources for setting up the mongo-bi-connector in a container


docker build -t mongo-bi-connector

docker run -p 9015:3307 -d mongo-bi-connector -e DB_NAME=your_mongo_db -e MONGO_HOST=your_mongo_host -e MONGO_PORT=your_mongo_port

where 8080 is your local machine port

Is it working?

To check if it's properly working install a mysql client and test the following command :

mysql --protocol tcp --port 9015 --verbose

If you have the MySQL welcome message, it is working, you can check your tables with use <whatever_your_db>; show tables;


This image also handles authentication enabled databases just add the following env variables:


SSL string will be the subj option to the openssl auto-signed certificate creation that is needed to run sqld in auth mode...

Docker compose

I added a docker compose exemple as an exemple that links the bi-connector container to a mongo container.


Keep in mind that this include licensed content and requires a Mongodb entreprise license.


Sometimes the connector connects before my mongo db is loaded thus failing.

That's why I included the script that will allow you to check if the host and port is available before initializing the connection. To use it you need to override the default command

Example with docker compose:

command: ["", "-t", "0", "my-mongo-db:27017", "--","","-vv"]

How to add a collection to the schema?

With a running MongoDB you can use the mongodrdl executable to infer the schema of a collection.

mongodrdl -d <db_name> -c <collection_name> -o tmp.drdl -u <user> -s 100000 -p <password> --authenticationDatabase <auth_info>

You can now append the content of the tmp.drdl file to your schema file, which is schema/mongomysqlmap.drdl by default (remember to get rid of the first line of the tmp.drdl first).