Connecting To zoho services and manage most of the API's
- Handling oAuth
- Zoho People
git clone
cd zoho-helper
npm install
const People = require("zoho-helper").People;
const people = new People("APP_NAME","CLIENT_ID","CLIENT_SECRET","REFRESH_TOKEN");
if you are using this package for many tokens you should separate APP_NAME
- People
- Orchestly
- Books
- Read this article to retrieve Client ID and Client Secret.
const Zoho = require("zoho-helper").Zoho;
const zoho = new Zoho(CLIENT_ID,CLIENT_SECRET,null);
- In the console, you can see one link, Click on that and copy code from URL,
- Replace your code in curl CLI and run it.
#Zoho People Functions
- getForms(formName,sIndex=1,*limit=200)
- *limit (maximum 200)
- getFormsAllData(formName)
- getAttendanceReport(sdate<MM/dd/YYYY>,edate<MM/dd/YYYY>,*employee_id)
- employee_id null for all employees
- updateForms(formName,data<Object>,recordId)
- getEmployeeLeaves(employeeId,fromDate<MM/dd/YYYY>,endDate<MM/dd/YYYY>)
- fetchSingleLeave(recordId)
- getLeavesType(employeeId)
- getHolidays(employeeId)
- insertRecord(formName,data<Object>)
#Zoho Orchestly - Or QNTRL
- getAllJobs(org_id,parameters<Object>)
- getAllOfAllJobs(org_id,parameters<Object>)
- getAllReports(org_id)
- getReport(org_id,report_id)
- getAllLayout(org_id)
- getLayer(org_id,layout_id)
- getAllCustomFields(org_id)
- getJobDetail(org_id,job_id,parameters<Object>)
#Zoho Books
- createBankAccount(org_id,parameters<Object>)
- getCurrencies(org_id<Object>)
- getOrganizationId(<Object>)
- addTransaction(org_id,parameters<Object>)
- addExpense(org_id,parameters<Object>)
- getExpense(org_id<Object>)
- getChartOfAccounts(org_id<Object>)
#Zoho Functions
- removeToken
- fetchLastToken
- customRequest
- initialize
- Please don't forget to contact with me if you have any problem:
#Git Repo