This plugin is to sum some numbers in a visual selection. Recommanded to use with vim-textobj-word-column.
Let's sum some numbers:
|Item Price Description
Chair 143 A magnificient chair
Table 250 A decent table
Lamp 9.8 A terrible lamp
Beer 2.3 A not-so-free beer
Different ways to do it:
- CTRL-V, then select an area with the numbers, then <Leader>a.
- Press <Leader>a directly, putting you in operator-pending mode, then
either G (till end of file), or 5j or } (end of paragraph),
- V5j <Leader>a (visually select 5 lines downward, and some the numbers within)
- [With textobj-word-column]: Move caret over a number, then
viC (visual in whole column), then press <Leader>a
Numbers used in the calculation are highlighted
so you can check everything went well.
The sum (here: 405.5) will be echoed in
the status bar, and copied into the unnamed register.
You can paste it anywhere you like using 'p' or your
other favorite way.
Use your favorite package manager, e.g. vim-pathogen.
Default mappings are not defined. You will need something like this in your .vimrc file:
nmap <Leader>a <Plug>VimSumOperatorPending
vmap <Leader>a <Plug>VimSumVisual
I use <A-a>
for vim-sequence and <A-A>
for vim-sum. Choose whatever works
for you.
Numbers should be separated by spaces or newlines.
Here are some examples that will be recognized:
52 Positive integer 92.25 Float .525 Number without a leading zero -.226 Negative number 92,25 Float using a comma, not a dot (as used by french and others)
Following are NOT supported at this time:
Scientific number, e.g. 42.352e23 Hexadecimal, octal, binary numbers (Might be nice though) Numbers not separated by a space, to minimize risks of error e.g.: 45min will be discarded, because the number does not stand alone 100-35 will be discarded for similar reason. But 100 -35 will work
- will all be discarded, so as not to confuse them with list items (1. is refused but .1 is accepted as a valid number)
To hide highlighted numbers, use :match None