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Based on Ionic 4 sidemenu template and configured as a PWA using Workbox.
Google Workbox is a set of libraries and Node modules that make it easy to cache assets and take full advantage of features used to build Progressive Web Apps.

Install pwa-sidemenu

npm install

Browse pwa-sidemenu

ionic serve

Deploy to Firebase hosting

Follow the instructions provided.
Once deployed, you will have a fully working PWA (with a score of 100 on Lighthouse).

See it in action

This is a premium template with working examples of :

  • Firebase authentication (Facebook/Google)
  • CRUD using Firestore
  • External data using httpClient
  • Camera
We also added examples on using Capacitor with Ionic.
Capacitor is the Native Bridge for Cross-Platform Web Apps.
  • Geolocation
  • InAappBrowser
  • WebShare
  • Clipboard

Get your Ionic 4 PWA development up to speed !!