Before posting make sure you are on the latest version of SC ++ on
Please use the issues portion of this repo to report any issues you find or for feature requests.
Bugs/Crashes should Include the following and be titled as so and also labled as a bug:
[BUG] Some title
- iOS Version
- Snapchat Version
- SC ++ Tweak Version
- Crash Report:
- Please label the issue either Jailbreak or Sideloaded
Feature Requests should include the following:
[FEATURE] Some title
- Feature description
- If possible feature screenshots
Please note this repo is not for Ad Removal issues. If you are having ad removal issues please contact me at
Any issues about account locks will be removed. There is no perfect way to "beat" DRM so there is always a risk to using third party a tweak, and you must agree to the below before you can use the tweak.