Inlet is a "plugin" for CodeMirror2 which pops up a slider whenever you click on a number or a color picker when you click on a Hex string (i.e. "#ff0000"). You can also click on hsl strings (i.e. "hsl(100,100%,90%") to get the color picker.
See an example at
This project is inspired by Bret Victor's talk "Inventing on Principle"
The the slider code is originally adapted from Gabriel Florit's Water project the predecesor for
The Color Picker Thistle is used to provide the color picker, and Color.Space.js translates between color spaces.
This project is used in enjalot's Tributary
All you need is the inlet.js file from src/inlet.js
but you do need to make sure you have all of the libs this depends on (found in the example/lib folder):
CodeMirror2 ( >= 3.1 )
Check out index.html to see how to put things together
The key bit of javascript code to kick things off is:
var editor = CodeMirror('#editor', ...)
npm Install
Test cases are availible in test.html