An editor for editing .box files created by Tesseract OCR in training mode. Tesseract is an open source OCR program available at Tesseract-OCR TBE was written in Apple's new language, Swift.
Open a .box file, and the editor will open the corresponding .tif file (same filename as the box file but with a "tif" extension).
Use the up and down arrows to move between quickly between boxes. Type a character to immediately replace the selected character. Move between pages in multiple page tiff files with the buttons at the bottom of the screen.
Tesseract can be invoked in training mode to create box files:
tesseract [lang].[fontname].exp[num].tif [lang].[fontname].exp[num] batch.nochop makebox
For example:
tesseract eng.swim.exp0.tif eng.swim.exp0 batch.nochop makebox
For more information about generating box files see Training Tesseract
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