#Coding Challenge ##Prompt A chain is defined as follows:
- tan
- rant
- train
- rating
- Each word in the chain is one letter longer than the previous word, and contains all the letters of the previous word in any order.
- The challenge is to find the longest chain from the given list of words. Language and platform of your choosing.
- Get words and create a hash map that points to meta data, create words array (unsorted)
- Parse the Words and create an adjancency list do this by - for all words in words Array
- take a word and remove a letter from it
- find all permutations of that new word formed
- if that permutation is a word add it to the edge list (adjancency list)
- loop through all characters of the word removing one character at a time doing the same operations
- Sort the words Array from shortest to longest
- for all words in the words array
- if the edges list is > 0 find the maxChain of each of the edges and add 1 to it, this is the current words maxChain
- because the array is sorted shortest to longest maxChain will be defined for all words in the edge list
- else the maxChain = 0
##Running ###Pre-reqs
- nodeJS
- git clone
- npm install
- node start.js