Degree of corrolation ratios between linear and diagonal basis
Degree of corrolation ratio between linear and diagonal basis versus background emission level
Icarus depends on numpy and matplotlib so be sure to have those installed. If you have these then simply clone or download the repo.
git clone http://github.com/eoinmurray/icarus.git
cd icarus
python Experiments/fidelity.py
Class that holds the quantum dot and experiment parameters.
from constants import Constants
constants = Constants()
from Icarus import QuantumDot
qd = QuantumDot(constants.xtau, constants.xxtau, constants.ptau, constants.FSS, constants.crosstau)
from Icarus import Detector
detector = Detector(delay, efficiency, sigma, matrix)
from Icarus import Channel
channel = Channel(bin_width, detector1, detector2, name)
from Icarus import PhotonCountingModule
pcm = PhotonCountingModule()
pcm.register_detector(name, detector)
pcm.register_channel(name, channel)
from Icarus import Laser
laser = Laser(pulse_width, power)
from Icarus import OpticalBench
opticalbench = OpticalBench()
from Icarus import Spectrometer
spectrometer = Spectrometer()
Icarus comes with three common experiments pre written, autocorrelation, cross-correlation and polarization resolved correlations.
Icarus has an experiment manager that can be use to quickly set up one of the algorithms.