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Eorus dwm Build - dynamic window manager

For Thinkpad X220 I've tried to keep dwm as minimal as I can to use screen real estate and keyboard actions.

Patches I've Used


static const char *fonts[] = { "Source Code Pro:size=12:style=Bold:antialias=true:autohint=false" };

Main Keybindings

MODKEY = Super

Keybinding Action
MODKEY + RETURN opens terminal (st)
MODKEY + d opens dmenu
MODKEY + SHIFT + d opens passmenu
MODKEY + SHIFT + RETURN cycle master/stack
MODKEY + q quits window/program
MODKEY + BACKSPACE powermenu (opens sysact locak, logout, restart dwm)
MODKEY + SHIFT + q quits dwm
MODKEY + b hides the bar
MODKEY + 1-9 switch focus to workspace (1-9)
MODKEY + SHIFT + 1-9 send focused window to workspace (1-9)
MODKEY + j focus stack +1 (switches focus between windows in the stack)
MODKEY + k focus stack -1 (switches focus between windows in the stack)
MODKEY + h expands size of window
MODKEY + l shrinks size of window
MODKEY + z gapps -1 decrease the gap size
MODKEY + x gapps +1 increase the gap size

Layout Controls

Keybinding Action
MODKEY + SHIFT + i row layout
MODKEY + i column layout
MODKEY + TAB cycle layout (-1)
MODKEY + SHIFT + TAB cycle layout (+1)
MODKEY + SPACE change layout
MODKEY + SHIFT + SPACE toggle floating windows
MODKEY + t layout 1
MODKEY + f layout 2
MODKEY + m layout 3
MODKEY + a layout 4

Application Controls

Keybinding Action
MODKEY + w open brave browser
MODKEY + SHIFT + w open nmtui as root
MODKEY + r open ranger file manager
MODKEY + SHIFT + r open htop system monitor
MODKEY + e open neomutt mail client
MODKEY + SHIFT + e open abook addressbook
MODKEY + n open newsboat rss reader
MODKEY + v open vimwiki personal note taking wiki
MODKEY + SHIFT + m open ncmpcpp music player
MODKEY + c open calcurse personal calendar, organizer
MODKEY + SHIFT + c volume mute to default sink
MODKEY + p mpc toggle (mute for mpd)

Xsetroot Scripts for Status

Simple dwm statusbar shows brightness, volume, battery, date and time. Save it in an executable and start before exec dwm in xinitrc.


# dwm statusbar
status () {

	echo -n "BAT: $(acpi -b | awk '{ split($5,a,":"); print substr($3,0,2), $4, "["a[1]":"a[2]"]" }' | tr -d ',') | $(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')"

while :; do

xsetroot -name "🞼 $(expr $(cat /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness) / 49) 奄 $(pactl list sinks | grep '^[[:space:]]Volume:' | head -n $(( $SINK + 1 )) | tail -n 1 | sed -e 's,.* \([0-9][0-9]*\)%.*,\1,')% $(status)"

	sleep 1

done &

more will be added...