For Thinkpad X220 I've tried to keep dwm as minimal as I can to use screen real estate and keyboard actions.
- dwm-alpha
- dwm-fibonacci
- dwm-fullgaps
- dwm-statuscolors
- XF86Keys
#include <X11/XF86keysym.h>
static const char *fonts[] = { "Source Code Pro:size=12:style=Bold:antialias=true:autohint=false" };
MODKEY = Super
Keybinding | Action |
MODKEY + RETURN | opens terminal (st) |
MODKEY + d | opens dmenu |
MODKEY + SHIFT + d | opens passmenu |
MODKEY + SHIFT + RETURN | cycle master/stack |
MODKEY + q | quits window/program |
MODKEY + BACKSPACE | powermenu (opens sysact locak, logout, restart dwm) |
MODKEY + SHIFT + q | quits dwm |
MODKEY + b | hides the bar |
MODKEY + 1-9 | switch focus to workspace (1-9) |
MODKEY + SHIFT + 1-9 | send focused window to workspace (1-9) |
MODKEY + j | focus stack +1 (switches focus between windows in the stack) |
MODKEY + k | focus stack -1 (switches focus between windows in the stack) |
MODKEY + h | expands size of window |
MODKEY + l | shrinks size of window |
MODKEY + z | gapps -1 decrease the gap size |
MODKEY + x | gapps +1 increase the gap size |
Keybinding | Action |
MODKEY + SHIFT + i | row layout |
MODKEY + i | column layout |
MODKEY + TAB | cycle layout (-1) |
MODKEY + SHIFT + TAB | cycle layout (+1) |
MODKEY + SPACE | change layout |
MODKEY + SHIFT + SPACE | toggle floating windows |
MODKEY + t | layout 1 |
MODKEY + f | layout 2 |
MODKEY + m | layout 3 |
MODKEY + a | layout 4 |
Keybinding | Action |
MODKEY + w | open brave browser |
MODKEY + SHIFT + w | open nmtui as root |
MODKEY + r | open ranger file manager |
MODKEY + SHIFT + r | open htop system monitor |
MODKEY + e | open neomutt mail client |
MODKEY + SHIFT + e | open abook addressbook |
MODKEY + n | open newsboat rss reader |
MODKEY + v | open vimwiki personal note taking wiki |
MODKEY + SHIFT + m | open ncmpcpp music player |
MODKEY + c | open calcurse personal calendar, organizer |
MODKEY + SHIFT + c | volume mute to default sink |
MODKEY + p | mpc toggle (mute for mpd) |
Simple dwm statusbar shows brightness, volume, battery, date and time. Save it in an executable and start before exec dwm
in xinitrc.
# dwm statusbar
status () {
echo -n "BAT: $(acpi -b | awk '{ split($5,a,":"); print substr($3,0,2), $4, "["a[1]":"a[2]"]" }' | tr -d ',') | $(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')"
while :; do
xsetroot -name "🞼 $(expr $(cat /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness) / 49) 奄 $(pactl list sinks | grep '^[[:space:]]Volume:' | head -n $(( $SINK + 1 )) | tail -n 1 | sed -e 's,.* \([0-9][0-9]*\)%.*,\1,')% $(status)"
sleep 1
done &
more will be added...