Our API system is based on SOAP technology for higher security and better performance.
soap webserver link is : https://api.epay.info/?wsdl
$apicode is the code you got from ePay.info (mandatory)
$user_wallet is the user's wallet address, it can be any address from our supported currencies (mandatory)
$amount_to_send is the amount you want to send in satoshi format. (mandatory)
the last parameter is the type of payment, 1 => normal prize that will respect the timer, 2=> is for referral payment will not respect timer (mandatory)
$note is the note in fron of the transaction in the list (Optional)
will return the following codes
if >0 it means the transaction went through and is complete.
-2 means wrong api code
-3 means not enough balance
-4 means one of the mandatory parameters is missing
-5 means payment is sooner than the calculated time out
-6 means ACL is active and server IP address is not authorized
soap webserver link is : https://api.epay.info/?wsdl
$apicode is the code you got from ePay.info (mandatory)
the last parameter has to be 1 (mandatory)
will return the following codes
if >0 is your balance
-4 means one of the mandatory parameters is missing