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A data discovery, visualization web platform.

Explore the latest live master branch:

Deployed versions:

Explore the Docker Image

Install Docker and run the epos-gui image:

The general flow of the application:

  • Discover (search)
  • Visualise (spatial, temporal, etc)

Using the filters and map we can find People, Organisations, Software, Services and Data in a variety of Domains across Europe.

Spatial Visualisation:

By clicking on the ‘Spatial Visualisation’ page you can see a quick overview of all the datasets that have been added to the map. This will provide some basic GIS functionality to help explore and compare the data.

Temporal Visualisation:

Equally by clicking on the ‘Temporal Visualisation’ page you can see a quick overview of all the datasets that have been added to time series graphs. Eventually there will be some basic filters and tools to help explore this kind of data too.

But if more complex analysis is required you can download the raw data or connect directly to the web services via the metadata and service links provided.

Other Bits:

When we have completely the platform you will be able to login from a variety of credential providers (click guest login at top right, then sign in)

There is a ‘Feedback’ button on the top bar of the website – please click on there and let us know what you think!

Design Principles

Module Design

We're building the GUI from the ground up, aiming to build as much code clientside (html, javascript, css) so it can be served by any webserver (inside or outside of docker). We're designing the code to be as clean, modular and to some extent isomorphic. So if we need to move some aspects to a server we can do at a later date.

After extensive analysis we have decided to use the Single Page Application (SPA) web framework Angular and the associated, application scale, javascript superset language Typescript. These will help structure the project and enforce the original design principles above.


Languages: Typescript, Javascript, CSS, HTML

Framework: Angular

Location: epos-gui/src/app/

Dependencies: epos-gui/src/assets/

NPM Dependencies: epos-gui/package.json & epos-gui/node_modules/


Setting up the project for development

Install node.js:


cd epos-gui
npm install -g @angular/cli
npm install


The suggested IDE for development id VS code:

Some vs code plugins that will make life easier:

  • ESLint
  • Angular Language Service

Running Development Version:

npm start

Test on web browser on host machine: http://localhost:4200

Changes are detected by the angular-cli and the site is recompiled and auto refreshed.

Testing Development Version:

npm test

This runs:

  1. Linting of entire source code (style and general code analysis)
  2. Unit Tests where provided by each source file (functions return expected values/behaviours)
  3. End-to-End testing of the application (application runs and works as expected to the agreed performance levels)

End to End (e2e) tests

To run interactive (opens browser etc.) cypress e2e tests locally use: ng e2e

To run them through from the command line use: npm run e2e-run

Switching Data Source Provider From Local Mock JSON to Live API:

Within 'epos-gui/src/app/app.module.ts' change the providers[] from 'mockApiServiceProvider' to 'devApiServiceProvider'

(Mock API has been removed, it served its purpose during early implementation stages, became a hinderance to productivity)

Switching Data Source Provider From Custom Mock JSON to Realistic Mock JSON:

Within 'epos-gui/src/app/shared/api/mockApi.service.ts' change the call to 'return this.doMockLiveSearch()' as shown below

  public doSearch(type: SearchType, searchCriteriaMap: Map<SearchCriteria, any>): Promise<ItemResultList> {
    switch (type) {
      case (SearchType.GENERIC): return this.doMockLiveSearch();
      // case (SearchType.GENERIC): return this.doStationSearch();

Building for Production:

For production docker image building - docker building below.


ng build --prod --extract-css=false

Then deploy the epos-gui/dist/ folder on a webserver of your choice.

Note: the application makes use of the HTML5 browser url rewrites as part of Angulars routing so the web server config needs to be able to route all subpaths to the root index.html file.

E.g. --> /myapp/index.html

An example nginx config can be found at: epos-gui/nginx-config/nginx-docker-sites-enabled-default

Creating Docker images

cd /opt/epos-gui/

Grab a Cuppa while dependencies are downloaded/compiled/installed! ☕

To explore inside the running docker image:

docker exec -it epos-gui bash

Test on web browser on host machine: http://localhost:8080

Publishing on Docker Hub

docker tag epos-gui wshelley/epos-gui:latest
docker login
docker push wshelley/epos-gui


Compodoc ( is being used to create html documentation from code comments.

They can be generated locally by using the following command.

node_modules/.bin/compodoc -p src/tsconfig.doc.json --includes=docs

By adding "-s" to the command you can serve the docs locally. By also adding "-w" to the command, it will watch the files and generate and serve the new html documentation as you change the files.

node_modules/.bin/compodoc -p src/tsconfig.doc.json --includes=docs -w -s

The pipelines are set up to generate and serve these docs, so if you navigate to your deployed branch root, then add "/documentation/index.html" to the the url, you can interact with the documentation for your branch. e.g. for master branch: