Facebook bot with Selenium Webdriver.
- Login
- Post messages on groups
- Delete messages on a group
- List all the posts on a group
It can be used also for crawling/scraping all the posts on a group.
Ubuntu 14.04:
- Install Virtual Environment - Python 3.4+
- Install Requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Firefox 45 English Version.
import fbot
(driver, username) = fbot.login(email, password)
fbot.post_to_group(driver=driver, post_msg=msg, group_id=group_id)
import fbot
(driver, username) = fbot.login(email, password)
fbot.delete_first_post_in_group(driver=driver, group_id=group_id)
import fbot
(driver, username) = fbot.login(email, password)
fbot.iterate_group_posts(driver=driver, group_id=group_id)
pytest. In order to run the tests put Facebook username and password in the tests/conf.py. Rename and modify the tests/conf_template.py file. Then type:
Keep the software always up-to-date with the changes on the facebook platform.