📑 I'm currently doing front and backend development (Javascript | React.js | Next.js | Python | Django)
- 🌱 I’m currently learning To be Extroverted
- 👨🏼🤝👨🏻 I want to collaborate on open source projects
- 🥅 Goals: Developing an app to be heard in the world and learning virtual reality and artificial intelligence 🤖
- ⚡ Fun fact: I love to running , play chess ♟and cycling 🚴♀️
- 💬 You can ask me anything you want to know
- 🚀 I'm developing a project for Teknofest, i keep improving myself 📃.
- 👨🏼🤝👨🏻 I'm developing an app with my team,
- 💻 I also work as a FreeLancer.
Connect with me:
- 📫 How to reach me: