a handy, loosely-coupled jQuery plugin for scrolling windows
Use whatever markup you want. For example, you could to something like:
<section class="window">
Some content
<section class="window">
Some more content
To initialize the plugin, use the appropriate selector to find your windows, and call the windows()
<script src="jquery.js"></script>
<script src="jquery.windows.js"></script>
// Defaults:
snapping: true, // [bool] turn on snapping
scrollSpeed: 500, // [int] how quickly to snap to a window (in millisecons)
scrollDelay: 1100, // [int] delay after scroll completes before snapping starts
enableKeys: true, // [bool] whether to allow keyboard shortcuts
easing: 'swing', // [string] easing animation
// (don't forget to add the easing plugin)
onScroll: function(scrollPos){
// after the window scrolls
// scrollPos = [int] scrollTop value for the window
onSnapComplete: function($el){
// after window ($el [jQuery element]) snaps into place
onWindowEnter: function($el){
// when window ($el [jQuery element]) enters viewport
Once initialized, the following API calls can be made:
// [jQuery element] current window
// [bool] whether or not element is visible on screen
// [array of bool]
// [jQuery element from selector] navigates to the next view
// equivalent to page down, space, or down arrow
// [jQuery element from selector] navigates to the previous view
// equivalent to page up, shift+space, or up arrow
// [int] where the view would be scrolled to in order to show the window
// [array of int]
The original code and inspiration came from @nick-jonas