REST API project developed in Java using Spring Boot 3 and MongoDB.
- HandlerInterceptor is utilized to intercept requests to verify whether they contain the required HTTP header attribute.
- HandlerMethodArgumentResolver is employed to retrieve a header value and assign it to an argument type in controller methods.
- AbstractMongoEventListener is utilized to persist historical data for each POST, UPDATE, PATCH, and DELETE operation.
- AuditorAware is utilized to insert values for auditable attributes such as username, document version, and date of operations in the persisted document.
- Converter and ConverterFactory are used to convert enum types to objects in the document before persisting and vice versa after fetching the data.
- ConstraintValidator is used to validate request fields and their associated business rules by declaring an annotation in the request class.
- Logging are employed to track application logs using Log4j2.
- Global Exception Handler is implemented to manage errors.
- Template Method design pattern used for different RestTemplate implementations.
- Unit Tests are implemented covering the entire application.
- Java 17
- Spring Boot 3.3.4
- Apache Maven 3.8.6
This project utilizes the following libraries:
- spring-common-parent to manage the Spring Boot version and provide common configurations for plugins and formatting.
- spring-common-lib for shared utilities and features such as:
- Logging: Provides Log4j2 with ECS (Elastic Common Schema) layout (for non-local environments).
- Http: Provides pre-configured HTTP client utilities, offering customizable RestTemplate configurations for efficient connection management, proxy settings, and basic authentication.
- Utils: Includes utility classes for serialization, object mapping, managing thread context in asynchronous operations, and configuring asynchronous task execution.
- Git hooks are set up for code formatting using Git Hooks Setup.
- Set the following environment variables if running the project for a spring profile other than local:
. - Run the SpringMongoDBDemoApplication class as Java Application.
Follow the AWS Docker guide to deploy a Java App and MongoDB instances and how to set up Nginx as a reverse proxy with a valid Wildcard SSL/TLS certificate.