hypr.db has reached EOL. Please use erf.db instead.
- Faster, Lightweight and Small Map-based advanced Database.
- We recommend to use yarn.
yarn add hypr.db
Updated README.
Removed 'autoWrite' option from Database.
- Some improvements.
- Interface-import based bugs are fixed.
- A simple example is given below.
// ESM (ECMAScript) (TypeScript)
import Database, { BSONDriver, JSONDriver } from 'hypr.db';
// CJS (Common)
const Database = require('hypr.db');
// Create Database (JSON (Default Options))
const db = new Database();
// Create Database (JSON)
const db = new Database({ driver: new JSONDriver() }); // You can enter the driver options however you want.
// Create Database (BSON)
const db = new Database({ driver: new BSONDriver() }); // You can enter the driver options however you want.
// set & get & del & has & exists
db.set('MyCoolKey', 'MyCoolValue');
db.exists('MyCoolKey'); // Same with has
// find+ & filter & each & map & every & some & search
db.find((value) => value === 'MyCoolValue');
db.findUpdate('MyNewCoolValue', (value) => value === 'MyCoolValue');
db.findDelete((value) => value === 'MyNewCoolValue');
db.filter((value) => value === 'MyNewCoolValue');
db.each((value, key) => typeof db.get(key) === typeof value);
db.map((value, key) => typeof value === 'number');
db.every((value) => value === 'MyCoolValue'),
db.some((value) => value === 'MyCoolValue');
db.search((value) => value === 'MyCoolValue');
// other
db.assign(otherDatabase, 'set'); // Argument 2 is optional.
db.concat([hdb1, hdb2, hdb3, hdb4], hdb3.options); // Argument 2 is optional.
// array & json
const array = db.array();
// pull & push
db.push('MyCoolArray', 0, 1, 2);
db.pull('MyCoolArray', (value) => value === 1);
// math
db.math('hyprdb.downloads', '-', 500, true); // Argument 4 is optional.
db.add('hyprdb.downloads', 1); // Argument 2 and 3 is optional.
db.sub('hyprdb.downloads', 1); // Argument 2 and 3 is optional.
// static
Database.checkOptions(db.options); // Argument 1 is optional.
// version
- Note: This is experimental feature. Some features may not work.
// ESM (ECMAScript) (TypeScript)
import Database, { DatabaseManager } from 'hypr.db';
// CJS (Common)
const { Database, DatabaseManager } = require('hypr.db');
global.mgr = new DatabaseManager();
// Create Databases
const db = new Database();
const db2 = new Database();
const db3 = new Database();
const db4 = new Database();
mgr.set('economy', db);
mgr.set('utils', db2);
mgr.set('storage', db3);
mgr.set('cash', db4);
const getEconomyDatabase = mgr.find((value, key) => key === 'economy'); // Way 1
const getEconomyDatabase = mgr.get('economy'); // Way 2
getEconomyDatabase.set('cash', 50);
// All features same with Database. (Only some functions is removed.)