Yet another 6502 assembler project. The goal is make a multi platform (include web) compiler generator. Project is still in very early stage and there is no easy way to use it. You can check the code or wait to get more usable version.
timu6502 builded with latest Rust Language. You have to install Rust Language. After installetion execute cargo build --release
command. The executable will be located under target/release/ folder.
Compiler tested under Windows and MacOS operating system. It should work under Linux OS but not yet tested.
timu6502 is terminal based compiler. So, basic usage is:
timu6502asm test.asm --target test.bin
timu6502asm test.asm --binary-dump
timu6502asm test.asm --token-dump
timu6502asm test.asm --token-dump --slient
timu6502asm --help
If the compilation operation failed, process exit code will be 1 and print error descriptions if silent mode is off.
Basically, branches is referencing the location at the execution code. If you want to jump location, it is hard to calculate and remember the address, but, with branches you just need to remember branch name and the compiler will be assign address automatically.
JSR init
JSR loop
JSR end
LDX #$00
CPX #$05
BNE loop
As you can see in the example there are init, loop and end branches defined and used with the instruction code. Also, compiler has a support for local branches.
jump @local1
jump @local1
You can define consts and use it with instruction.
const1 = $10
const2 = 22
const3 = %11001100
CPX #const1
Compiler works with primative data types.
It takes up one byte of space. It is written in three different ways depending on the number type. Examples:
$01 ; in hexadecimal format
$CC ; in hexadecimal format
%00000000 ; in binary format
%01010011 ; in binary format
128 ; in decimal format
2 ; in decimal format
It takes up two bytes of space. It is written in three different ways depending on the number type. Examples:
$0122 ; in hexadecimal format
$CC33 ; in hexadecimal format
%0000000000000000 ; in binary format
%0101001100000000 ; in binary format
123456 ; in decimal format
888888 ; in decimal format
It takes up different sizes of space depending on the definition. The text must be written between double quotes.
"Hello world"
Change reference locations. It is not changing where the codes are stored, it is changing jump and branch references.
.org $0600
.byte $11
0600: 11
Define byte sized data. Must be followed by a sequence of (byte ranged) expressions or strings.
.byte $11
.byte $22, $33
.byte "Hello"
0000: 11 22 33 48 65 6C 6C 6F
Write 1 or many word information into memory
.word $1122
.word $3344, $5566
0000: 22 11 44 33 66 55
Write ascii information into memory. Also, byte directive can be used.
.ascii "hello world"
0000: 68 65 6C 6C 6F 20 77 6F
0008: 72 6C 64
Write ascii information into memory. If there is no 0x00 at end of the string, compiler will add 0x00.
.asciiz "hello world"
0000: 68 65 6C 6C 6F 20 77 6F
0008: 72 6C 64 00
Include a file as binary data.
.incbin "src/tests/bins/test1.bin"
0000: 00 01 02 03
Print warning message on compilation time.
.warning "timu6502asm compiler works"
22:05:16 [WARN] timu6502asm compiler works
The compilation process stops with an error message.
.fail "Unsupported platform"
Import another assembly file. All variable defitions will be imported and could be accessible from other files.
.include "header.asm"
.include "body.asm"
.include "footer.asm"
Fill memory from the current address to a specified address. A fill value may also be specified.
.pad $0600
Change the default filler for .pad.
.fillvalue $ff
Define storage bytes. The size argument may be followed by a fill value (default filler is 0).
.dsb $05 ; same as .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
.dsb $05, $11 ; same as .byte $11, $11, $11, $11, $11
Define storage words. The size argument may be followed by a fill value (default filler is 0).
.dsw $05 ; same as .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
.dsw $05, $1122 ; same as .byte $22, $11, $22, $11, $22, $11, $22, $11, $22, $11
There are many things to do. Here are the some todos:
- Case insensitivity
- Binary file generation
- Decompiler
- Human friendly prints
- Import different asm files
- Performance measurement
- Documentation
- Deploy on real hardware/emulator
- (stretch goal) Basic high-level programming language
- (stretch goal) Basic emulator