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Coursework Assignment 4 - Philip Hammond and the Temple of Gloom! 💸 🔍 🏃


I'll help the explorer and professor of archeology Philip Hammond claim the Orb of Lots, which is located in the Temple of Gloom. I will help him explore an unknown cavern under the temple, claim the orb, and escape before the entrance collapses. There will be great rewards for those who help Philip fill his pockets with gold on the way out. There are two major phases to this assignment:
• the exploration phase
• the escape phase
each of which involves writing a separate method in Java.

The Exploration Phase

On the way to the Orb (see Figure 1), the layout of the cavern is unknown. You know only the status of the tile on which you are standing and those immediately around you and perhaps those that you remember. Your goal is to make it to the Orb in as few steps as possible. This is not a blind search, as you will know the distance to the Orb. This is equal to the number of tiles on the shortest path to the Orb, if there weren’t walls or obstacles in the way.

Figure 1. Searching for the Orb during the exploration phase

The solution to this phase in the method explore() in the class Explorer within package student. There is no time limit on the number of steps you can take, but you will receive a higher score for finding the Orb in fewer steps. To pick up the Orb, simply return from this method once you have arrived on its tile. Returning when Philip is not on the Orb tile will cause an exception to be thrown, halting the game.

Returning when Philip is not on the Orb tile will cause an exception to be thrown, halting the game. When writing method explore(), an ExplorationState object to learn about the environment around you. Every time a move is made, this object automatically changes to reflect the new location of the explorer. This object includes the following methods:

  • long getCurrentLocation(): return a unique identifier for the tile the explorer is currently on.
  • int getDistanceToTarget(): return the distance from the explorers current location to the Orb.
  • Collection<NodeStatus> getNeighbours(): return information about the tiles to which the explorer can move from their current location.
  • void moveTo(long id): move the explorer to the tile with ID id. This fails if that tile is not adjacent to the current location.

The Escape Phase

After picking up the Orb, the walls of the cavern shift and a new layout is generated — ouch! In addition, piles of gold fall onto the ground. Luckily, underneath the Orb is a map, revealing the full cavern to you. However, the stress of the moving walls has compromised the integrity of the cavern, beginning a time limit after which the ceiling will collapse crushing Philip! Additionally, picking up the Orb activated the traps and puzzles of the cavern, causing different edges of the graph to have different weights. The goal of the escape phase is to make it to the entrance of the cavern before it collapses. However, a score component is based on two additional factors:

  1. The amount of gold that you pick up during the escape phase, and
  2. Your score from the exploration phase.

The score will simply be the amount of gold picked up times the score from the exploration phase.

Figure 2: Collecting gold during the escape phase

Figure 2: Collecting gold during the escape phase

The solution code to this part of the problem in a function escape() in the class Explorer in the package student. To escape, simply return from this method while standing on the entrance tile. Returning while at any other position, or failing to return before time runs out, will cause the game to end and result in a score of 0.

Every time a move is made, this object will automatically change to reflect the new location of the explorer. This object includes the following methods:

  • Node getCurrentNode(): return the Node corresponding to the explorers location.
  • Node getExit(): return the Node corresponding to the exit to the cavern (the destination).
  • Collection<Node> getVertices(): return a collection of all traversable nodes in the graph.
  • int getTimeRemaining(): return the number of steps the explorer has left before the ceiling collapses.
  • void moveTo(Node n): move the explorer to node n. this will fail if the given node is not adjacent to the explorers current location. Calling this function will decrement the time remaining.
  • void pickUpGold(): collect all gold on the current tile. This will fail if there is no gold on the current tile or it has already been collected.

Repository Structure

│   ├───.gradle
│   │   ├───3.4.1
│   │   │   └───taskHistory
│   │   └───buildOutputCleanup
│   ├───.idea
│   │   ├───inspectionProfiles
│   │   ├───libraries
│   │   └───modules
│   ├───build
│   │   ├───classes
│   │   │   └───main
│   │   ├───reports
│   │   │   ├───checkstyle
│   │   │   ├───findbugs
│   │   │   ├───jdepend
│   │   │   └───pmd
│   │   └───resources
│   ├───config
│   │   ├───checkstyle
│   │   └───xsl
│   ├───gradle
│   │   └───wrapper
│   ├───out
│   │   └───production
│   │       └───cw-temple
│   │           └───images
│   ├───res
│   └───src
│       ├───main
│       │   ├───java
│       │   │   ├───game
│       │   │   ├───gui
│       │   │   ├───main
│       │   │   ├───searchexample
│       │   │   └───student
│       │   └───resources
│       │       └───images
│       └───test
│           └───java

Developed by

about username
Eric Rodriguez - B.Eng. Mechatronics erodri07 - @BBK-PiJ-2016-52


Thank you to Eric Perdew, Ryan Pindulic, and Ethan Cecchetti from the Department of Computer Science at Cornell for the basis of this coursework.


Programming in Java - Coursework 4






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