🚀 I am an adaptable and skilled Full-Stack Engineer with over 4 years of experience designing and developing scalable web applications. I specialize in TypeScript, NestJS, Next.js, SQL, and NoSQL databases, among other modern technologies. Known for my passion for learning and problem-solving, I am a fast learner, collaborative team player, and effective mentor to junior engineers.
- 💼 I'm currently working on: 💻Instadriver - a platform akin to LinkedIn for drivers using NestJS and Next.js.
- 🌱 I'm currently learning: 📚 Kubernetes
- 💬 Ask me about: 💡 JavaScript, TypeScript, Next.js, NestJS, Node.js, PostgreSQL, GraphQL and RESTful APIs
- ⚡ Fun fact: 🎢 I adore everything aviation!