This code contains a Player created with Machine Learning and Neural Network who can play the state YoshiIsland2 from Super Mario World - SNES.
YouTube video from the winner genoma during training:
The neat takes three generations of genomas, with 150 genomas. The winner from Gen 3 was the id 377.
The folder train-codes contains all saves from neat, but you can train changing the parameters to improve the results.
To run the winner and the application you can follow the below instructions:
Python 3.7
Gym 0.21.0
ImportLib Metadata 4.8.1
Uses Python 3.7
Install Gym Retro
pip install gym-retro
Install Gym version 0.21.0
pip install gym==0.21.0
Install ImportLib Metadata 4.8.1
pip install importlib-metadata==4.8.1
Install OpenCV
pip install opencv-python
Install Neat
pip install neat-python
Import the ROM to your Gym Retro
python -m retro.import <completed-folder-rom>
python -m retro.import "C:\Users\Erick\Desktop\Super Mario Brother\rom"
Run the python to view the gameplay