Uses an in memory database for portability and easy testing. Docker image available in case durability is the priority. Automatically backs up all uploads to a configurable S3 bucket! Automatically transcodes all uploads using the VP9 codec!
- Make sure you have a default profile in your ~/.aws/credentials file. i.e:
aws_access_key_id = "ACCESS-KEY-ID"
aws_secret_access_key = "SECRET-ACCESS-KEY"
- Run:
make run
- navigate to localhost:8080
- username & password = root
Run: mvn install && java -jar target/assignment-1.0.0.jar
vim src/main/resources/
- Max vido duration = 10 (minutes)
- Video upload directory = uploads
- Required format =mp4
- Username = root
- Password = root
vim src/main/resources/
If you have docker installed and want to persist the data:
- Provide your db settings:
vim src/main/resources/
- Assuming the system has maven 3 and java 8 installed
- Assuming the system has ffprobe installed at /usr/local/bin/ffprobe
- Assuming the file upload will not exceed 10GB
- Assuming that chef templates will remove the hardcoded and sensitive values in the config at deployment
- Assuming the aws user profile has sufficient permissions to upload to the configured S3 bucket