- 👋 Hi, I’m Erick
- 💼 I'm focused Fullstack Development
- 💬 I'm a CS Bachelor Degree Graduate from University of North Sumatra
Forked from msyahalfikri/game-horror-TheMalevolent-gamedev
"The Malevolent" is a Unity-based first-person survival horror game that puts you in the shoes of a journalist investigating a malpractice case that resulted in the death of a woman five years ago.
C# 4
Admin Website for GoSky Airplane Ticket Ordering App.
JavaScript 1
Backend API for GoSky airplane ticket web and android application.
Aplikasi Manajemen WA berbasis web application sebagai bagian dari pengabdian USU di Tahun 2022
Game Unity 2D mengimplementasikan procedural content generation metode hybrid. Proyek tugas akhir S1 Ilmu Komputer USU