feedservice provides a little feed caching service to ensure that external feeds will be fetched in a timely manner.
feedservice uses MongoDB and has two components, a web service and a janitorial process.
feedservice uses Mark Pilgrim's excellent feedparser module to ensure that feeds are always readible and formatted in a well documented format.
The feedservice.webservice.app is a standard WSGI app built using Flask. You can deploy it using gunicorn:
gunicorn feedservice.webserice:app
The feedservice URL is at /feed. The URL has the following parameters
- q
- The feed's URL
- refresh
- The feed will be reloaded live when this parameter is present
- callback
- This is a JSONP callback if you want to use this service from browser. Word of warning, this service is meant to be a internal serice, using it as a JSONP service might be insecure.
The response of the feed URL is a JSON document. This JSON document contains three keys:
feedurl The feed's URL timestamp The date and time in UTC when the feed was last fetched result The result of feedparser ran on the feed
A script is installed called feedjanitor, this runs in the background and updates stale feeds.
There are a few settings that may or may not need to be changed. The defaults will work fine with a insecure mongodb running on your localhost on the standard port
- A dictionary of the kwargs for the pymongo.Connection object. Default: {'host': 'localhost'}
- The database to store the feeds into. Default: "feedservice"
- The collection to store the feeds into. Default: "feedservice"
- The number of seconds at which a feed becomes stale. Default: 180
To change any of these defaults, create a python module and point to it in a environment variable called, FEEDSERVICE_SETTINGS