Created for use with Argo Server Query Tool. ASQT was written for the r/globaloffensive subreddit modteam, to assist us in our community night 10-mans each Tuesday. This plugin creates 3 commands for retrieving the pug score, players grouped by team (with K/D), and a clients IP address.
To install, simply place the SMX file in your addons/sourcemod/plugins
directory and restart your server or refresh your plugins with sm plugins refresh
- returns a list of all players in the server along with which team they're on and how many kills/deaths they have. E.g. "Warlord:CT:15:10"getplayerip <#userid|name>
- returns the IP address of a specific player.getpugscore
- returns the current score in the format: "T's = 8, CT's = 5".