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A spicy little heatmap renderer and tile server.


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Render customizable activity heatmap images from GPS tracks extracted from GPX, TCX, and FIT files. There's also a built-in web server to serve up XYZ tiles, and endpoints to add new data via HTTP POST or Strava webhooks.

Designed to run locally or be self-hosted. It's lightweight and snappy enough to fit onto the free tier of pretty much anything that can run a Docker container. Even with 100,000 km of activity data,'s smallest instance can render tiles in ~1 ms.

Quick Start

To get started, use the import command to quickly process an entire directory of activities in parallel.

hotpot import [path/to/files/]

If importing activities from a Strava data export, use --join [path/to/activities.csv] to include metadata about your activities usually not stored in the GPX (title, which bike you used, the weather, ...)

hotpot import \
    strava_export/activities/ \
    --join strava_export/activities.csv

After the initial import, you'll have a sqlite3 database, and can start creating heatmaps.

The render command can create images from a bounding box of coordinates (which can be generated by this tool).

hotpot render \
    --bounds='-120.7196,32.2459,-116.9234,35.1454' \
    --width 2000 \
    --height 2000 \
    --output heatmap.png

Alternatively, we can run a tile server with:

hotpot serve

Open in your browser to see a map view with the tile layer loaded.

See hotpot --help for more.



There are several built in palettes available for converting the raw frequency data into colored pixels, which can be set via the ?color={...} query parameter. A list of these is available in the map view.

In addition to the presets, custom gradients can also be used via the ?gradient={...} parameter.

For example, to smoothly transition from red (least activity) to white (most), we could use 0:f00;1:fff. Pixels with no activity will be left transparent. Color codes are interpreted as hex RGB values in the following formats: RGB, RRGGBB, RRGGBBAA.

If alpha values are not given, they are assumed to be 0xff (fully opaque).

Example Gradients
Gradient Rendered


We can also choose which activities we're interested in visualizing dynamically through the ?filter={...} parameter.

Any properties available when the activity was added (either via webhook or bulk import) can be used in the filter expression, but the exact names will vary based on your data.

For example, we may want to generate different tiles for cycling vs hiking, exclude commutes, which gear we used, a minimum elevation gain, etc.

# Basic numeric comparisons: <, <=, >, >=
{"key": "elev_gain", ">": 1000}

# Match/exclude multiple values
{"key": "activity_gear", "any_of": ["gravel", "mtb"]}
{"key": "activity_gear", "none_of": ["gravel", "mtb"]}

# Substring matches (e.g. match "Gravel Ride" + "Ride")
{"key": "activity_type", "matches": "Ride"}

# Property key exists
{"key", "max_hr", "has_key": true}

Activity Uploads

Hotpot supports two mechanisms for adding new data to the sqlite3 database directly over HTTP:

  1. POST /upload: Manually upload a single GPX, TCX, or FIT file
  2. Strava webhook: Subscribe to new activity uploads automatically


todo document

Strava Webhook

If you're already uploading activity data to Strava, you can use their activity webhook to import new activities automatically.

To get started, follow the Strava API documentation to create your own application.


Strava limits new APIs to only allow the owner of the API to authenticate. You won't be able to share this with multiple people.

Next, we can use oauth to authenticate our account and save the API tokens in the database.

export STRAVA_CLIENT_ID=... \

hotpot strava-auth

# Grant permission to your app via OAuth

Once you've authenticated successfully, you'll need to register the callback URL of your server with Strava's API. Follow the curl commands shown on the success page to complete setup.


To simplify things, a basic Dockerfile is included. Mount a volume at /data/ to persist the sqlite database between runs.

Since we're using sqlite as our data store, it's easy to first run the bulk import locally, then copy the database over to a remote host.

Fly Quick Start

Hotpot should comfortably fit within's free tier, and handles the scale-to-zero behavior gracefully. Follow their setup instructions first.

Steps below assume you've cloned this repo locally and already created a local database.

# Create the application
fly launch --ha false

# Create a persistent volume for the DB
fly volumes create hotpot_db -a YOUR_APP_NAME --size 1

# Attach the volume
echo '
' >> fly.toml

# If you're using the Strava webhook
fly secrets set \

# Deploy the app
fly deploy

# Copy local DB over to the app
fly proxy 10022:22 &
scp -P 10022 ./hotpot.sqlite3* root@localhost:/data/

# Restart the app, and we're done.
fly app restart


This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see


A spicy little heatmap renderer and tile server.








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