GigihHub is a simple social media to share information with other people in the same community. This repository contains GigihHub APIs, built in Ruby without any frameworks 🤓🚀. This project is intended for learning purposes in Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern, practicing Test Driven Development (TDD), and Clean Code.
The Gigih Hub Social Media contains six functional requirements.
- Saves user details (username, email, bio)
- Lets user make a new post with hashtag
- Lets user comment in a post with hashtag
- Lets user attach media (jpg, png, mp4) in a post or comment
- Lets user get posts with a hashtag
- Shows 5 trending hashtags in the past 24 hours
There are four tables created in the database.
- User, represents our social media user which contains user informations.
- Post, represents user's post. A post with
is a comment to the parent post, meanwhile a parent withoutparent_post_id
is the parent post. - PostHashtag, represents the pivot entity of Post and Hashtag.
- Hashtag, represents hashtag (text initialized with
) in a post.
- Ruby v3.0.1 (recommended to install using rbenv)
- MySQL (installation reference)
These libraries are bundled in a Gemfile
- Sinatra, for simple web server
- Mysql2, for database connector
- RSpec, for unit test
- SimpleCov, for test coverage
- Rubocop, for code linter, based on Ruby Guide Style
Clone this project on your machine.
Setup database by creating a new database for this project
mysql -u <your-mysql-username> -p mysql> CREATE DATABASE gigih_hub_db; mysql> exit
Then, import our database dump file in the
directorymysql -u <your-mysql-username> -p gigih_hub_db < db/gigih_hub_db_dump.sql
Setup environment variable by creating a
file. The example file is available in.env.example
.cp .env.example .env
Initialize the variables in the file with your environment setup.
Install dependency libraries by executing the command below.
bundle install --path vendor/bundle
This command will locally install the libraries in the root project directory.
To run linter, execute rubocop.
bundle exec rubocop
To run test suites and test coverage, execute rspec.
bundle exec rspec
To run the application, execute using ruby, with personallized host binding below.
bundle exec ruby main.rb
Our app will be listening in
This application contains APIs to run the functionalities defined above. It is run with base path localhost:4567/api
. To see the documentation, check out the Postman API Documentation, or the Postman Collection.
Check the live version of this app in (for a period of time).
Erma Safira Nurmasyita