I'm lead software developer and blockchain engineer living in Tokyo/Japan.
I have expertise in writting backend applications with experience in multiple programming languages mentioned in below section.
I'm quick learner and enthusiastic to learn new technologies. I enjoy coding and designing software architecture.
I am individual contributor as well as very good to play multiple side roles in well balanced way. Below are some of my key experiences and roles which i am currenty playing.
- Technical Lead & Software Architect roles
- Proficiency as a Backend engineer
- Experience as a Blockchain engineer
- Cloud engineer experience with Azure, AWS, and GCP
- Experience as a DevOps engineer, including knowledge of Azure DevOps
- Experience as a Production, Database, and SRE engineer
- Demonstrated expertise in global release and deployment management
- Experience as people management
- How to create free certificates using Lets Encrypt
- How to create memory dump on Linux for dotnet application
- Desgin patterns in c#
- Many more to come...!
- TypeScript, Node.js, Javascript, Golang, .NET C#, Python
- Rust, Solidity, React.js, C++, C.
- Hyperledger Fabric, Tendermint, Solana, NFTs, Bitcoin, Ethereum
- TheGraph (Subgraph), irys, arweave
- ByBit APIs, FTX APIs, Uniswap APIs, GraphQL
- Microsoft Azure, AWS, Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
- AWS CDK cloud formation
- Terraform, Ansible, scripting languages (Bash, PowerShell)
- Docker and containers, Linux/Windows, Jenkins
- GitLab/GitHub, Git(Gerrit), TeamCity, ClearCase, TFS
- N-Cover, Sonar
- POstgres, MYSQL, SQL Server, Oracle 12g, Redis cache
- RocksDB, Cosmos DB, MongoDB, Data Lake
- RESTful & Microservices, Web API, gRPC
- ASP.NET, Entity Framework, WCF/WPF, WinForms, MVC, ADO.NET
- Grafana/Loki, Prometheus, Promtail
- Datadog, Kibana, Log4Net, Serilog
- Slack API, SendGrid API, PagerDuty API, Autosys
- Multithreading, Cloud Service Bus, SWIFT Message
- NUnit, XUnit, MBUnit, MSTest (Visual Studio), Moq, RhinoMoq,
- RPF automation framework.