- Rust as almost unique base language (except for minimal JS needed to style the interface with TailwindCSS)
- Actix-web, a Rust framework, for the backend (our API server)
- SurrealDB, the database that connects with our API, which has been developed by its creators with Rust
- Yew.rs, Rust's web framework for building web applications with Webassembly
1.- actix-surrealdb-api, server/API built using Rust's Actix-web framework and SurrealDB database running in a Docker container.
In addition to the obvious prerequisite of having Rust and Docker installed, we need to do the following:
Create the container with a SurrealDB image and a Docker managed storage volume running at the project root:
$ docker compose up -d
If we have cargo-watch installed using:
$ cargo install cargo-watch
we won't have to restart the server every time we make a code change; running the following command in the root of the project actix-surrealdb-api:
$ cargo watch -x run
$ cargo run
the server will restart automatically 😀.
To stop the Docker container in which SurrealDB is running:
$ docker stop surrealdb
And to raise the container again:
$ docker start surrealdb
We can read the content of the database with the commands:
$ docker exec -it surrealdb /surreal sql -c http://localhost:8000 -u root -p root --ns namespace --db database --pretty
namespace/database> SELECT * FROM task ORDER BY created_at DESC;
To run the Web App, add the WebAssembly target:
$ rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
Install Trunk (web application bundler for Rust) to run the app:
$ cargo install trunk
Run the following command in the root of the project todo-yew-web:
$ trunk serve
Build the application by running:
$ trunk build --release