This project is not actively maintained (since many years). I no longer play or follow league. I still enjoy writing simulators, but you'll find other repositories which I've more recently written to simulate other games.
Toy implementation of League of Legends' combat engine.
Current patch: 7.24.1.
My goal here is to familiarize myself with the finer details of LOL's rules as well as have a chance to play around with Dart.
It's difficult to imagine this ever being perfect simulation, in part because Riot does not make all of their rule values public (e.g. attack-windup, ability-durations, etc.) but also because keeping up with LOL would be a huge task.
Need a copy of Dart.
Run dart bin/precache_dragondata.dart
to download the necessary files from Riot's static data.
There are many entry points into the simulation used to answer different questions. Examples incude:
dart bin/duel.dart -v examples/duel.yaml
-- Used for testing groups of champs/mobs/items against one another.dart bin/round_robin.dart
-- Used for testing all champ pairs against one another.dart bin/dps.dart
-- Show various champs ranked by lvl 1 dps.dart bin/burst.dart
-- Show various champs ranked by lvl 3 burst.
There are several other dart files in bin/, most of them are for testing.
Many. Including at least:
- Champion/Item/Rune lookups are case sensitive and expect names in Title Case.
- Incomplete (and partially outdated) support for Runes.
- Very limited item support.
- Very limited abilities support.
- Limited support for Buffs.
- No CC.
- Minmal AOE or support for location or proximity.
- Limited monsters.
- Jungle clear-time approximations.
- Range catagories for each stats (high, med, low)
- Guestimate as to power ranges of various champs
- When are various items (liandries, BOTRK, etc.) worth it?
- How Burst scales?
- DPS and burst for each champ.
- Handle stat modifying buffs first, before other buffs.
- Monster leveling
- Monsters are not neutral / incorrect AI.
- Improved proximity.
- Coverage &
- Split mob.dart into smaller files.
- Add more passives, abilities, runes, etc.
- Convert to integer math (ticks, etc.) to avoid double precision errors.
- Implement in-combat/out-of-combat -- More champs would die to darius and twitch dots. -- Needed for Crest of Cinders healing.
- Use round_robin json to compare lists.
- Auto-attack windup.
- Missle system & proximity.
- Neutral teams logic (do not attack until attacked, and attack as a group).
- Missing Krugs split timers.
- Krugs and Gromp Experiance on first clear.
- Healing Amp (Runic Armor, Spirit Visage, etc.)
- OnHit should not be included in lifesteal.
- Spells with duration (e.g. consume) vs. auto-attack durations.
- Buffs appear to tick 1 extra time? (Doran's Shield test)
- Aatrox passive (complicated, likely requires bloodthirst to be useful)
- Akali passive (CDR interaction? Second hit on a static 4s cooldown?)
- Ashe passive (semi-complicated crit replacement) and Q
- Blitzcrank passive (needs mana and shields)
- Braum passive (needs stuns)
- Caitlyn passive (crit modifier)
- Camille passive (requires shields)
- Elise passive (ai to really use it)
- Fizz passive (unclear how to implement this kind of dmg reduction)
- Graves AA modifier and passive (impactful, hard to implement)
- Gangplank passive (small effect, needs bonus ad split)
- Kayle passive (needs percent armor mod)
- Kha'Zix passive (on-hit, small effect, with abilities bigger)
- Kled passive (very complicated, needs non-targetable)
- Malphite passive (needs shields)
- Miss Fortune passive (on hit, small effect)
- Nautalis passive (needs stun)
- Nocturn passive (aoe, unclear how best to do dmg-modified autos)
- Pantheon passive (needs blocked)
- Taric passive (needs an ability to be useful)
- Wukong passive (needs proximity)
- Sejuani passive (easy)
Plan for stuns?
- Stuns should cancel AA windups, but not AA missiles?
- Stuns prevent new AA windups during duration.
- Alistar Trample (needs stuns)
- Ivern W brushmaker passive
- Jinx Q passive
- Rammus W ball curl
- Teemo E passive
- Udyr all of his abilities
- Vayne W passive
- Sejuani E Permafrost
- Fiddlesticks W (requires channeling)
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