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216 lines (150 loc) · 7.95 KB

File metadata and controls

216 lines (150 loc) · 7.95 KB
  • Start Date: 2019-10-20
  • RFC PR: #45
  • Authors: Toru Nagashima (@mysticatea)

Formatter v2


This RFC adds the custom formatter v2 that supports streaming based on RFC40.


When ESLint verifies many files, it spent time silently. People may be worried about "Is ESLint hanging up?", "When does it finish?", etc. Streaming support will resolve that.

Detailed Design

This RFC has two parts.

  • Adding new formatter style.
  • Updating ESLint#getFormatter() method.

● New Formatter Style

This RFC adds a new formatter style.

module.exports = {
  formatterVersion: 2,

  async *format(resultIterator, context) {


This is the constant 2.

We may add other numbers such as 3 in the future if we want to change the arguments of the format() function. Between the current and 2, the first argument was changed from Array<LintResult> to AsyncIterable<LintResult>. ESLint distinguishes by this property whether the formatter supports the new argument.

format(resultIterator, context)

Tha main function of the formatter. This function transforms the lint results to strings asynchronously.

Name Type Description
resultIterator AsyncIterable<LintResult> The stream of the lint results.
context Object The formatting context.

The context parameter has the following properties:

  • context.eslintVersion ... The version of ESLint. E.g. "7.0.0". If a formatter prints the version, it may be useful for debug.
  • context.formatterVersion ... The actual version of the formatter spec of this call. This is always 2 for now. In the future, if we added v3 formatter, this property will help custom formatter authors to support both v2 and v3.
  • context.isTTY ... If true then ESLint outputs the formatted texts to TTY. This means we can use CSI sequences to represent stuff such as progress bars. Otherwise, if --output option is present or the eslint command is redirected to another program, this is false.
  • context.getRuleMeta(ruleId) ... The function to get the metadata of a rule. This corresponds to metadata.rulesMeta property of the current formatter. This RFC changes the metadata.rulesMeta property to a function because we cannot know all plugin rules that the linting will use at this time, because of asynchronous. On the other hand, we can get the rules of the yielded results.
Return Value

The return value is an async iterable object that iterates strings.

The formatter author can include CSI sequences to represent stuff such as progress bars if context.isTTY is true.

The stylish formatter with progress

See /lib/cli-engine/formatters/stylish.js.


Print results in one by one
module.exports = {
  formatterVersion: 2,
  async *format(resultIterator) {
    for await (const { filePath, messages } of resultIterator) {
      for (const { column, line, message } of messages) {
        yield `${filePath}:${line}:${column} - ${message}\n`
Print results in a stable order, along with progress state
const { ESLint } = require("eslint")
const ClearLine = "\x1b[1K\x1b[1G"

module.exports = {
  formatterVersion: 2,
  async *format(resultIterator, { isTTY }) {
    const results = []
    let fileCount = 0
    let errorCount = 0

    // Show progress
    for await (const result of resultIterator) {
      fileCount += 1
      errorCount += result.errorCount

      if (isTTY) {
        yield [
          results.length === 0 ? "" : ClearLine,
          "file(s) linted and",
          "error(s) found.",
        ].join(" ")
    if (isTTY && results.length >= 1) {
      yield ClearLine

    // Sort results

    // Show results
    for (const { filePath, messages } of results) {
      for (const { column, line, message } of messages) {
        yield `${filePath}:${line}:${column} - ${message}\n`

Support both v1 and v2

/lib/cli-engine/formatters/stylish.js supports both v1 formatter and v2 formatter. The essence is:

function stylish(results) {
  // ... (format results) ...
  return formattedText

stylish.formatterVersion = 2
stylish.format = async function*(resultIterator) {
  const results = []
  // ... (show progress while collecting results) ...
  yield stylish(results)

module.exports = stylish

In this case, old ESLint just calls the stylish function and new ESLint will call the stylish.format function.


The ESLint class is introduced in RFC40.

This RFC adds the second parameter to pass isTTY into the formatter's adapter. For example:

const { ESLint } = require("eslint")

const eslint = new ESLint()
const stylish = eslint.getFormatter("stylish")
const resultIterator = eslint.executeOnFiles(patterns)
const options = { isTTY: process.stdout.isTTY }

//                                               ↓ Here!
for await (const text of stylish(resultIterator, options)) {

If the options is not present, defaults to { isTTY: false }.

Internal Adapters

If the loaded formatter has formatterVersion property with an integer, the adapter gives the format method of the formatter the lint result iterator. Otherwise, the adapter collects the results, sort the results, then gives the formatter the collected results (for compatible with v1).

See also a PoC /lib/eslint/eslint.js#L393-L421.

If the formatterVersion was less than 2, the ESLint#getFormatter() method throws an error "unknown version." If the formatterVersion was greater than 2, the ESLint#getFormatter() method considers the formatter as supporting v2 as well because the formatter knows the existence of v2. This behavior will help the formatter authors to support all of the formatter versions in their custom formatters in the future.


We should update:


It increases maintenance costs.

Backwards Compatibility Analysis

Once RFC40 is implemented, this RFC doesn't have any breaking changes.


  • Using Streams. Because the eventual destination is a writable stream, it's reasonable if the formatter is a transform stream that is from lint results to strings. However, the stream formatter forces the ESLint#executeOnFiles() to return a readable stream of lint results instead of an async iterable for consistency, and streams don't have the interoperability with the async iteration language feature enough at this time (Node v10). Async iteration is greater than streams for some points: the error propagation and syntax supports (for-await-of loops and async generators).

Related Discussions

  • eslint/eslint#1098 - Show results for each file as eslint is running
  • #40 - New: ESLint Class Replacing CLIEngine