Current repository is only one of the test versions, and the ongoing repository cannot be open sourced for commercial reasons
this is the server code repository for the pet project
Clone And Install dependencies
# clone
git clone
cd petserver
# install dependencies
go mod download
go get
Run server
# Arrange docker containers, start postgres server
docker-compose up
# Run go server
go run main.go
go build -tags netgo -ldflags "-s -w" -0 app
In other words: how to understand the calling process of this project code faster
Called process
the call procedure in the diagram has almost the same name as the project directory, so you can easily see how it works based on this path
the ability to run the product of a build on any device, thanks to the nature of golang.
# build app
go build -tags netgo -ldflags "-s -w" -0 app
# run the app
our projects are deployed on render services, which have the advantage of not requiring manual builds and deployments (automated)