- RoundRobin Schedule Generator
This package will generate a tournament or seasonal calendar instantly, through the round-robin system.
Based on code of: https://github.com/mnito/round-robin
- Schedule generation by Round-robin system
- Support for any number of teams (Indicated for no more than 12 or 14 teams)
- Ability to generate a number of rounds on demand
- Ability to configure add a bye for odd-numbered team counts
- PHP 8.3
- PHPUnit tested
If you use Composer, run on your terminal:
composer require estbase/round-robin
in other cases add the following line on required packages:
"estbase/round-robin": "^2.0"
Ready to use!
$schedule = Schedule::create(['A','B','C','D']);
$teams = ['A','B','C','D'];
$schedule = Schedule::create($teams);
$teams = ['A','B','C','D'];
$schedule = Schedule::create($teams, 5);
$teams = ['A','B','C','D'];
$rounds = (($count = count($teams)) % 2 === 0 ? $count - 1 : $count) * 2;
$schedule = Schedule::create($teams, $rounds);
This case generates a Schedule adding a bye.
$teams = ['A','B','C','D','E'];
$schedule = Schedule::create($teams);
or without it
$teams = ['A','B','C','D','E'];
$schedule = Schedule::create($teams, null, false);
$schedule = Schedule::createSchedule(['A','B','C','D'],null,true, false);
$schedule = Schedule::createSchedule(['A','B','C','D'],null,true, true, 9);
EST Base round-robin package is free software distributed under the terms of the MIT license.