Overview and implementation of a Deep Belief Network (DBN) for image classification, reconstruction and adversial attack performance
The biological inspiration of Articial Neural Networks as well as a brief theoretical background of DBNs is given. A DBN can be seen as the stacking of several Restricted Boltzmann Machines, having the advantage of RBMs which learn a representation of the data through unsupervised learning. A linear classifier can be coupled to the last layer to have a linear readout for e.g. classification.
A DBN is trained using the FashionMNIST dataset
Learned weights through the layers are visualized to observe what the model has learned.
A linear model is added to have a linear read out for classification
We compare our DBN with a FFN for benchmarking.
We use observe how the model clustered together similarities in the data at each hidden layer.
Observe the impact that noise has on the DBN accuracy.
We explore how the DBN classifies when faced against adversarial attacks, when using both reconstruction of the original image and when not.
Finally the DBN was fine-tuned with a linear classifier that is trained on only a small number of samples, achieving a high accuracy due to the internal representation being already learned while training.