Breaking Changes
Advanced Settings.
A new checkbox was added to show/hide advanced settings.
The following settings were changed to only show with advanced settings enabled:
- Clock Speed
- Debug Settings (Yes, all of them.)
Deterministic RNG.
instruction was changed to use a seeded Xorshift32 pseudorandom number generator. This allows for deterministic savestates, which means that a program will always behave predictably once its state has been saved. Unfortunately, it also came at the slight cost of random number quality.
Settings Wipe.
In order to facilitate some of the new changes, user settings were wiped out.
You will need to reconfigure the emulator.
You can now have 10 unique savestates (including quicksave/quickload). If you have a custom game that you had to keep loading in manually, you can now just save it as a savestate! How cool is that?
Reverse Debugging.
If you enable the "Tracing" option in debug settings, it is now possible to undo up to 5 minutes of CHIP-8 history. That's a whole 5 minutes more than the last release!
Reverse Stepping.
Even if "Tracing" is disabled, the emulator can undo any cycles that were stepped forwards while it was paused.
No stacks were harmed in the making of this feature.
Sound Tone Setting.
With advanced settings enabled, you can now change the frequency of the beep sound made by the emulator.
Deflicker Setting.
You asked (well... no, you didn't... but we digress.) for it, and we delivered! You can now enable deflicker mode to reduce the severity of that iconic CHIP-8 sprite flicker.
Program Memory Viewer.
You can now view a hex dump of the program memory.
Please be warned, it's not exactly fast however.
Seriously. Don't use it on mobile.
Sprite Editor Tool. (Web Only)
A fancy new sprite-editor tool has been added at
Draw a dog! Or a cat! ...or something that we really can't say out loud, but know you'll probably draw before any of the previous suggestions.
Super Secret Feature. (Web Only)
Increased Clock Speed Limit.
We changed the maximum clock speed to 10 KHz (10,000 Hz). If you found any game or program chugging along at 5 KHz, you shouldn't have a problem with it at twice the speed.
Upgraded Dialogs.
The entire dialog system was thrown out and recreated. While this doesn't mean much for you non-technical users, it does give you those sweet, sweet, larger-than-300px dialog windows when you're on desktop devices.
Upgraded Program List.
The menu for loading programs went through an overhaul. It's now 80% easier to use on mobile, and 100% better looking on desktop.
Boosted Performance.
A couple tinkers here and a few bug fixes there... And voila! The emulator now runs faster and no longer chews through your processor when its paused.