npm install react-easy-export
yard add react-easy-export
Exports data as a CSV file.
@param {Array | Array<Array>} data - Array of objects or 2D array representing data.
@param {string} [filename=data.csv'] - Optional. The name of the exported file.
@param {string} [separator=','] - Optional. Separator used between values.
import { exportToCSV } from 'react-export-ease';
const data = [
{ name: "Ethan", gender: "male" },
{ name: "Jane", gender: "female" }
exportToCSV(data, 'users.csv');
// Alternatively:
Exports data as an Excel (.xls) file.
@param {Array | Array<Array>} data - The data to be exported. Can be an array of objects or a 2D array.
@param {string} [filename='data.xls'] - Optional. Name of the exported file.
Note: This method generates an older Excel format (.xls) using an HTML table. It may not support advanced Excel features.
import { exportToExcel } from 'react-export-ease';
const data = [
["Name", "Gender"],
["Ethan", "Male"],
["Jane", "Female"]
exportToExcel(data, 'users.xlsx');
// Alternatively:
Exports HTML as a PDF file.
@param {string} content - The HTML content to be printed to PDF.
@param {string} [filename='data.pdf'] - Optional. Name of the exported file (though this can't be enforced through the print dialog).
import { exportToPDF } from 'react-export-ease';
const content = `
<li>Ethan: male</li>
<li>Jane: female</li>
exportToPDF(content, 'users.pdf');
// Alternatively:
We welcome contributions! Please open an issue or submit a pull request if you would like to help improve react-easy-export.