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Boris Mann edited this page Jan 10, 2019 · 9 revisions

This documents the infrastructure owned / maintained for EthMagicians by individuals.

Github Organization

Those who choose to list profiles publicly: ethereum-magicians/people

current owners: jpitts, ligi

Domain Name

Registered by jpitts.

Discourse Forum

Setup / hosting by jpitts.

Google Drive

Top level planning folder (this is a view only link)

Owner: bmann Editors: jpitts, mp

Folders per council have additional editors. Please file an issue and assign to Boris if you need help.

Medium Publication

Owned by: mp Current editors: mp, pet3rpan

Riot Chat

lobby - add link

council volunteers - add link

mp, others

Current admins: boris, jpitts

Gitter Chat

ethereum-magicians/lobby -- cross-posts to Riot Chat


Collect donations for running meetings and infrastructure expenses

  • forked from Giveth leaderboard, repo is ethereum-magicians/donation-leaderboard
  • hosted on Netlify. Netlify account owned by bmann, jpitts is admin.
  • wallet is a multisig owned by jpitts, bmann has second signature



Jamie created. Through Tweetdeck, pet3r & bmann have Tweet access.


There is an organizer account on Pretix, an event / ticketing provider @bmann and @ligi are admins at the organization level.

There is a Council of Paris 2019 team, @bmann and @markoprljic are admins for that event.

Open Collective


Experimenting using these to be transparent about funds and expenses, and to act as Host Organization for Councils and other events. Can issue invoices and accept fiat funds, as well as re-imburse expenses.