A web application for hosting your own TiddlyWiki, written in Go.
This is an attempt at implementing a server for TiddlyWiki. The idea is you can run this application on your own server. It is heavily inspired by https://github.com/rsc/tiddly but with data stored in SQLite instead of Google App Engine.
My stomach turns at the thought of installing NodeJS and npm on my VPS. I imagine there are ways of packaging a JavaScript application into a single executable, but that's not the default. Also, Go is fun.
I know, this app isn't as good as the one that comes with TiddlyWiki itself. Plugins are more difficult to manage, there are various hacks around the system tiddlers, who knows what other functionality is broken. But this is fun.
The assumption is that this is installed on your own server so that you can access it from anywhere. With that in mind, the application is secured.
It's a bit unfriendly, you need to create two files in the same folder as the web application executable: 1) .config and 2) users.gob.
.config should contain a JSON object with one property, "pepper":
"pepper": "[your value goes here]"
That pepper value and the users.gob file can be generated with the included cmd/admin application.