An import system for shell script.
This project implements an import system for shell script, allowing to import specific functions and set alias for it. The current version only supports BASH, but it can be easily extended for any alternative. Also, some guidelines must be followed to avoid possible conflicts during the usage.
import <module>[.function][ as <alias>]
- Each module must not have any dependency with other modules
- Private functions must be prefixed with
(double underscore) - Each public function must depend only by private functions
- All modules must contain
source ../
import core/file # import entire module
import core/string.to_lower # import specific function
import core/string.to_upper as upper # import specific function and define an alias
if [ ! $(isdir "$1") ]; then
echo $(to_lower "$1 IS NOT A DIRECTORY")
echo $(upper "$1 is a directory")