Fleece is a JSON mapper for F#. It simplifies mapping from System.Json's JsonValue onto your types, and mapping from your types onto JsonValue. Its design is strongly influenced by Haskell's Aeson. Like Aeson, Fleece is designed around two typeclasses (in FsControl style) ToJSON and FromJSON.
For example, given this data type:
type Person = {
Name: string
Age: int
Children: Person list
You can map it to JSON like this:
open System.Json
open Fleece
open Fleece.Operators
type Person with
static member ToJSON (x: Person) =
jobj [
"name" .= x.Name
"age" .= x.Age
"children" .= x.Children
let p =
{ Person.Name = "John"
Age = 44
Children =
{ Person.Name = "Katy"
Age = 5
Children = [] }
{ Person.Name = "Johnny"
Age = 7
Children = [] }
] }
printfn "%s" ((toJSON p).ToString())
And you can map it from JSON like this:
type Person with
static member FromJSON (_: Person) =
| JObject o ->
let name = o .@ "name"
let age = o .@ "age"
let children = o .@ "children"
match name, age, children with
| Success name, Success age, Success children ->
Success {
Person.Name = name
Age = age
Children = children
| x -> Failure (sprintf "Error parsing person: %A" x)
| x -> Failure (sprintf "Expected person, found %A" x)
let john : Person ParseResult = parseJSON """{"name": "John", "age": 44, "children": [{"name": "Katy", "age": 5, "children": []}, {"name": "Johnny", "age": 7, "children": []}]}"""
Though it's much easier to do this in a monadic or applicative way. For example, using FSharpPlus (which is already a dependency of Fleece):
open FSharpPlus
type Person with
static member Create name age children = { Person.Name = name; Age = age; Children = children }
static member FromJSON (_: Person) =
| JObject o -> Person.Create <!> (o .@ "name") <*> (o .@ "age") <*> (o .@ "children")
| x -> Failure (sprintf "Expected person, found %A" x)
Or monadically:
type Person with
static member FromJSON (_: Person) =
| JObject o ->
monad {
let! name = o .@ "name"
let! age = o .@ "age"
let! children = o .@ "children"
return {
Person.Name = name
Age = age
Children = children
| x -> Failure (sprintf "Expected person, found %A" x)
Or you can use the Choice monad/applicative in FSharpx.Core instead, if you prefer.
You can see more examples in the EdmundsNet project.