WARNING: This project is still in it's nascent stage so needs a lot of manual configuration.
You can control your scrapy spiders through a flask app. All you have to do is upload your spiders into the spiders/ directory and controll them using the spiders web UI.
###Getting started: Install dependencies (it still doesn't have all the dependencies)
pip install -r requirements.txt
Add a config.ini file in the root folder of this project.
path = /your/path/to/arachne/
debug = True ; False on production
secret_key = AnyRandomStringYouPleaseButKeepItVeryVerySecret
server_name = local
name = arachne
; This is for my SMTP logger
from_email = your@email.com
from_name = Your Name
smtp_host = smtp.mandrillapp.com
smtp_to_user = your@email.com
smtp_username = your@email.com
Start running using the command
twistd -n web --port 8080 --wsgi app.app
Open your browser and goto the location http://localhost:8080
Here's how the UI looks for the sample spiders in the project