A Maven plugin that runs Integration Tests in OSGi containers and collects OSGi Bundle dependencies to make them available in any IDE.
Maven site: http://everit.org/eosgi-maven-plugin
mvn clean install -Dga.ua=UA-XXXXXXXX-X -Dga.cd.mac.address.hash=cdZZ -Dga.cd.plugin.version=cdYY
- -Dga.ua=UA-XXXXXXXX-X: the Google Analytics tracking identifier. If not defined, then the usage statistics will not be collected.
- -Dga.cd.mac.address.hash=cdZZ: the custom dimension in Google Analytics to MAC Address hash. The ZZ is number of the custom dimension index.
- -Dga.cd.plugin.version=cdYY: the custom dimension in Google Analytics to plugin version. The YY is number of the custom dimension index.