- A computer ! preferably running Linux, because Linux is good, after all. Isn't ?
- NodeJS
- Pnpm, a fast, disk space efficient package manager
If you are still using npm, the package manager provided by default with Node.js, I invite you to use pnpm. It's the same, but (really) much faster. Let's install pnpm globally.
npm install -g pnpm
Of course, clone this repo or download/unzip the zip archive, as usual. Then, enter the directory and install the dependencies.
cd shoelace-lit-boilerplate
pnpm i
pnpm start
Then, open your favorite browser and go to https://localhost:8085/
- some simples pages
- a theme changer using localstorage
- a material symbol custom component
- a login page
- a fake filtered list but having a "loading" step
- client side routing using @vaading/router
- handle 404
- webpack reverse proxy
Just open a ticket ;)