- Options: Allow to pass
to thesubscribe
methods to override resource authentication/url.
- Unsubscribe: Correct handling of empty subscriptions map.
- Subscribe: Fix multiple subscriptions not being handled correctly.
- Unsubscribe: Fix subscription not being removed correctly on unsubscribe.
- mqtt.js dependency: MQTT over Websockets using mqtt.js instead of Eclipse Paho MQTTWS, for maintainability and consistency with MQTT plugin.
- If using AMD (RequireJS) to load evrythng.js, the configuration of the dependencies changed from:
paths: {
'bower-mqttws': '../bower_components/bower-mqttws/mqttws31',
'evrythng': '../bower_components/evrythng/dist/evrythng',
'evrythng-ws': '../bower_components/evrythng-ws/dist/evrythng-ws'
shim: {
'bower-mqttws': {
'exports': 'Paho'
'evrythng': ['bower-mqttws']
paths: {
'mqtt': '../bower_components/mqttjs-browserified/dist/mqtt',
'evrythng': '../bower_components/evrythng/dist/evrythng',
'evrythng-ws': '../bower_components/evrythng-ws/dist/evrythng-ws'
- keepAliveInterval: renamed setting to keepAlive for consistency with MQTT plugin. Old setting still accepted with deprecation warning.
- Persistent reconnect - Once connection is lost, keep trying to connect every EVT.WS.settings.reconnectPeriod milliseconds.
- Multiple subscriptions - Fix incorrect handling of multiple subscriptions.
- Resubscribe on reconnect - Restore subscriptions after reconnect.
- One connection per scope - When making multiple subscriptions in parallel, only one connection per scope should be created.
- Dependencies - Updated evrythng.js version dependency.
- WebSockets methods: allow to subscribe, unsubscribe and publish to any EVT resource.