is a cut down version of evy.
This repository demonstrates how to build a minimal lexer and parser from scratch without using any external libraries.
Try the e
command with:
go run main.go test.e
prog = { stmt } .
stmt = decl | assign .
decl = ident ":" type .
ident = LETTER { LETTER | DIGIT } .
type = "num" | "string" | "bool" .
assign = ident "=" expr .
expr = operand | unary_expr |
binary_expr .
operand = literal | ident | group .
literal = /* e.g. "abc", 1, 2.34, true, false */ .
group = "(" expr ")" .
unary_expr = UNARY_OP expr .
UNARY_OP = "-" | "!" .
binary_expr = expr BINARY_OP expr .
BINARY_OP = "*" | "/" | "%" |
"+" | "-" |
"<" | "<=" | ">" | ">=" |
"==" | "!=" |
"and" |
"or" .