This is my Atomic Design boilerplate to work on my projects that require high scalability using a few cool things, like Storybook, etc.
It's for productivity purposes and not wasting time structuring everything when I start a new project.
I am using my basic folder structure but focused on working with the Atomic Design methodology and the powerful frontend workshop environment tool: Storybook.
- The methodology consists of creating different levels of graphic components.
- Atoms
- Molecules
- Organisms
- Templates
- Pages
─ components
└ atomic
└ atoms
└ layout
└ molecules
─ constants
└ routes.js
─ context API
─ error
└ ErrorBoundary.js
─ helpers
─ hooks
─ lib
└ firebase.js
─ pages
─ services
─ stories
└ atomic
└ atoms
└ layout
└ molecules
─ styles
└ tailwind.css
└ app.css
- Components => Consisting of HTML and styling
- Components / atomic => Our components folder
- Constants => all routes together for easy access
- Pages => all our Pages
- Hooks => custom React Hooks live here
- styles => tailwind.css / css / modules
- helpers => Protected routes
- context => context API
- Services => Firebase Async Functions (Firebase/firestore)
- Stories => I'll have stories for each component
- Lib => firebase config live here (Firebase/firestore)
- Eslint Style Guide Airbnb.
- Run an lint test before each commit Husky
- Atomic Design Official Website -
- Storybook -