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Persistent-Redux is a drop-in middleware that will save your Redux state and restore it on the next page load.

Previously this tool focused on PouchDB but now it offers an adapter API to use any backend.


To install the stable version:

npm install --save persistent-redux

This assumes that you’re using npm package manager with a module bundler like Webpack or Browserify to consume CommonJS modules.



import { persistentStore } from 'persistent-redux';
import { PouchDBAdapter } from 'persistent-redux/lib/adapters';


const adapter = new PouchDBAdapter(
    new PouchDB('AppState', {storage: 'persistent'}),
    { blobSupport: true }
const options = {
    adapter: adapter,
    actionFilter: ((action) => action.type.indexOf('@@reduxReactRouter') !== 0),
    synchronous: true,


An adapter instance to wrap any storage. See the Available Adapters section below.


actionFilter should be a pure function that returns a boolean if an action is persistent.


synchronous is a boolean (default to false) that when true passively saves the action. By default, Persistent-Redux will wait for the action to register with the store before passing it on. This process happens asynchronously. Enable synchronous to not interrupt actions as they pass to redux.


import { createStore, compose } from 'redux';

persistentStore(options).then((persistentMiddleware) => {
    const createStoreWithMiddleware = compose(
        // ... other middlewares ...

    let store = createStoreWithMiddleware(RootReducer);

    // ... use your store as you normally would here (react app etc.) ...
}).catch((err) => {
    alert('Could not initialize persistent middleware.');

Squashing Actions

Redux stores application state as a function of actions and thus persistent-redux stores each of these actions. However, building the current state by running through a large sequence of actions can unnecessarily delay startup time. Each storage adapter provides a utility method called squashActions that will squash all existing actions into a starting state that will be read at the next startup time and thus have fewer actions to reduce. Use it like this:

adapter.squashActions(rootReducer).then(() => {
    // ... successful
}).catch((err) => {
    // ... any errors will show up here

NOTE: Storages that support vacuuming or compaction could be maintained after successfully squashing actions to maintain the database size.

Available Adapters


When building your PouchDB instance, it's recommended to specify persistent storage for Firefox. PouchDB allows this through the (currently undocumented) storage option like:

import { PouchDBAdapter } from 'persistent-redux/lib/adapters';

const adapter = new PouchDBAdapter(
    new PouchDB([db name string], {storage: 'persistent'}),
        initialState: {},
        actionSuffix: "-RA",
        blobSupport: false

The PouchDBAdapter supports all of the same data-types that PouchDB supports.

Adapter Options

  • initialState

    initialState is the state (default to {}) to use in the event there there is nothing stored already in the database.

  • actionSuffix

    actionSuffix is a string (default to -RA) that is appended to PouchDB record IDs. Specifying this allows using the same database for multiple applications.

  • blobSupport

    blobSupport is a boolean (default to false) that enables support for saving Blobs as members of actions. Setting this to true can slow down your app since large blobs will be stored, or potentially sent to a server, before the action is propagated back to Redux. Consider using the synchronous option of persistent-redux to mitigate this. If you wish to support Blobs:

    1. Set blobSupport: true

    2. Add an _attachments property in your action as a list of strings of object paths to the Blobs. For example (type annotations added for clarity):

      const REGISTER_PARTY = "party_on";
      function throwAParty(occasion: String, location: String, clipartImage: Blob) {
          return {
              type: REGISTER_PARTY,
              payload: {
                  clipart: clipartImage
              _attachments: ['payload.clipart']


Supported Data-types

Some Redux tools (most notably Redux-Router) use unsupported data-types in their actions. These actions cannot be persisted and must be filtered by the actionFilter function.

Asynchronous Process

Asynchronous is the common denominator of persistent storage. When an action is dispatched to the wrapped store:

  1. The persistent middleware will serialize and save the action.
  2. When the action is saved, the adapter will report the change back to the middleware which will re-dispatch the action to propagate to other middlewares and eventually the reducers to change the current state. If the adapter stores to a remote database, this could slow down the interaction of your app but provides complete state sync with a remote server.


Persist your Redux state







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